Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's all in the name...

After returning from the honeymoon, Matt and I drove to Sumter, SC where he works. We came straight from the honeymoon, meaning we were a one-car family (sorry not for "green" reasons).

My days are spent waking up to tell him bye (at 5:30 am) and then drifting back to sleep until he calls to say he is on his way home for lunch. I whip up a good ole southern lunch for him (i.e. Turkey sandwich and chips and least the salsa is homemade). After lunch, I usually piddle around doing laundry, cooking, going for a walk (I know I am laughing at that too), and other domesticated wifely things. Matt usually gets home from work around 4:00 and we head out to run errands together. These errands usually include going to Lowe's to look at paint colors, going to the grocery store to get food for that night's meal, or going to Wal-Mart. These are the places I have found so far in Sumter.
We were about a week in to post honeymoon married life when I am pretty sure we had a conversation like this:

Me: Is there anything fun that I could do or get involved in here?
Matt: You need to get a hobby.
Me: I'm pretty sure I had a lot of hobbies in Raleigh like scrapbooking and sewing but none of my stuff is here because you said that I couldn't bring them on the honeymoon(which I wanted to do so I would have them in Sumter when we returned).
Matt: You need a more portable hobby like blogging.

As our discussion about blogging continued, I told him that I would have to have a good blogging name because no one wants to read a blog with a boring name. We thought and then came up with "Looking at Life the 'PC' Way" which is hilarious to anyone who knows me because I am anything but politically correct. So before you fall off your rocker, let me explain. The PC stands for Pike Currin. Now hold on a minute...I didn't go to the left and decide to hyphenate my name. I just changed my last name to Currin and made Pike my middle name (I'm still sad about saying bye to Paige)! So that is where we got the "PC" in the title. Now changing my name legally...that is for a post all on it's own!!

Thanks for reading and we will see how this new portable hobby goes!

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