Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 2 Comments

Well Day 2 of school went pretty well until the last hour of the day. One of my students decided that he was not interested in doing ANYTHING that I asked and he did whatever he wanted. He then proceeded to tell me to "Shut up" and "You are so stupid!"


He is a child with ADHD and a possible defiance disorder! It might be a very long year.

Well...only 178 more days.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kids really do say the darndest things...

Today was the first day back for kids for the 2011-2012 school year. My principal brought bagels for the teachers. We were all gathered in the library and one of my former students walked by with his mom. He ran up to give his teacher from last year a hug and to give me a hug. His teacher for this year was also standing there and he gave her a hug.

A few seconds later, he looked up at me and had a very serious look on his face. Our conversation went like this:

Student: "Ms. Pike"
Me: "Yes, (insert student's name)"
Student: "I don't mean to be rude, but you kind of look like a witch."

Not sure if I really just heard that correctly. His teacher from last year was standing behind him just dying laughing. I was so confused...I had a pink dress on for crying out loud! Maybe he was thinking Glenda...the good witch?!?

Oh well, only 179 more days!

At least he learned honesty at school. (This is also the same student that asked me in Science Class two years ago if he could go sit next to the model of Saturn. I said, "yes" and he said, "Great, I just really like Saturn's rings."

Listening to Lee...

For those of you that don't know, my dear cousin, Lee, was killed last week in a car accident. It was shocking and horrible to say the least. Lee is one of the sweetest, kindest, and most gentle people I have ever met. He loved his life, horses, and his family and friends! And he was one hell of a real cowboy!

I have had a hard time understanding why and how something like this could happen to someone so amazing. I have tried hard to not get upset or angry with God for "letting" something like this happen. I am working to understand that this is part of a bigger and better plan. Lee is definitely in the most amazing place on Earth and he is smiling down on us every second of the day.

Some ways that God (and Lee) are telling me that we will all be fine:

His funeral was on Sunday, August 21 in the afternoon. The weather forecasters said there was a 60% chance of rain. The one thing his mom asked for was for it not to rain on that day. The church where the funeral was being held was small and most people would have to stay outside during the service. God said, "Yes" and held off on the rain.

Lee is buried in the most beautiful place overlooking pastures and horses in the countryside of Morganton. When we got outside to do the graveside service, the horses were across the pasture. As soon as the service was done, his mom looked up and several horses were lined up right at the fence and one was whinnying. I just know that was Lee saying, "hey!"

Matt and I had to leave pretty soon after the service to get back to Raleigh. Ten minutes down the road it poured rain! I mean poured! It was raining so hard that we were driving 40 mph on the Interstate. After the rain, the most beautiful and full rainbow was stretched clear across the sky! Another sign that Lee is okay!

It doesn't stop there. On Tuesday, we felt an Earthquake. What in the world?? After the news starting talking nonstop about this 5.9 Earthquake, I just had to smile. I couldn't help but smile and laugh. Lee has been in Heaven for 5 days and he is already riding horses hard enough to shake us all the way down here! I love that guy! God is taking great care of him. I also smile for Lee because he will probably never have to clean out a horse stall again. I can't imagine the horses/stalls are dirty in Heaven.

Then today, I was leaving work and as I walked out I ran into a parent and talked to her for about ten minutes. As soon as I got in my car and turned it on, a new song started. It was Carrie Underwood's "Temporary Home." This song was sang at Lee's funeral. I drove home singing and smiling. As soon as I pulled in my driveway, the final part of the song played.

"This is my temporary home.

It's not where I belong.

Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through.

This was just a stop, on the way to where I'm going.

I'm not afraid because I know...this was

My Temporary Home."

Had I not run in to that parent, I would have driven home and missed that song. Instead, it was perfectly timed to my two mile drive home. It was like Lee was carrying me home.

Some of you may question these "signs" as Lee talking to me. But, I know in this time of pain that he is telling me that he is good!

A few pictures of Lee...