Monday, January 3, 2011

My New Year's Resolution for 2011...

is to blog more! I PROMISE!

And after lots of consideration and a great conversation with my super smart, Jeopardy Champion of an Aunt...I have also decided to eat my black-eyed peas and collards on New Year's Eve from now on.

Rewind to New Year's Eve and New Year's Day morning:

We had a great New Year's Eve with several of our best friends in Raleigh (Matt's never ending of a job and snow prevented us from going to the mountains). Pictures to come later!

I cooked a delicious New Year's Eve dinner and we pregamed at the house before going over to a friend's house and heading out to Glenwood Avenue. The ball came and dropped and it was time to head home.

Finding a taxi on New Year's Eve proved to be a difficult task. Well we found one (or so we thought). We made it from Solas to Mellow Mushroom (for those of you that don't live here...that is about two blocks) before getting kicked out of our first taxi. So here we all were again standing on the side of Glenwood. I was still having a blast though. We found another taxi and managed to make it back to our house where we all decided to have a slumber party and continuing bringing in the new year.

The next morning we all woke up and were reminiscing the previous evening. Then Matt came in from the other room and told me he couldn't find his wallet. I wasn't too worried because my tiny tree house isn't but so big so I knew we would find it. Well we looked everywhere. We looked all out in the yard, driveway, and street. We didn't find it.

I asked him to tell me what exactly was in his wallet and I went in to PANIC MODE. His response was: his license, my license, his credit card, our joint credit card, his debit card, our joint debit card, his corporate credit card, concealed weapons permit, about 100 dollars cash and his social security card! I was okay until we got to the social security card part. I am thinking, "SERIOUSLY, HAVE YOU LIVED UNDER A ROCK!" Me trying to not sound like a nagging mother nicely asked him if he was trying to get his identity stolen along with all of our money!

I tried calling every taxi company I could google asking if anyone had found a wallet. After having been kicked out of the first one and not knowing which one we got in the second time, I wasn't so sure we were getting this wallet back. I went back to lay down and he canceled all of his cards and we tried to put it behind us. Our friends left to go home for a little while before coming back over for our traditional New Year's Day dinner.

I got up, showered, and started getting ready to cook dinner for all of our guests that were coming over. I went to put on my clothes and opened up my underwear drawer (sorry if that is TMI but it is crucial for the story) and there it was! His wallet laying right there on top with his pack of gum, receipts from the previous evening, and our New Year's Eve tickets. I began screaming with joy! He had gone outside to take out the trash and I opened up the windows and yelled outside really loudly, "We still have our identity. I found your wallet!!!"

Of course, Matt said I stole his wallet and stashed it in that drawer. But of course I believe my thinking. What I believe to be the case is me opening the drawer up to get ready for bed and him not knowing what year it is emptying the contents of his pockets on what he thought was our dresser (like he does every night) only except this time, he placed in on top of my underwear and closed the drawer. He still likes to tell me that if I had gotten ready before 6:30 that evening, he wouldn't have had to cancel his cards.

So next year, I am eating my black-eyed peas for luck and collards for money before New Year's Eve happens!

Happy New Year's to everyone!


  1. Love this blog! Yes, we want to see more blogging in 2011. Aunt Becky

  2. Hilarious jess! I can't believe yall found it :) Ive done that before...don't know which is worse. Finding it after canceling everything or never finding it at all.

    And where are the "soon to come" pictures?
